The Tale of Terrence

Terrence the Goat This is Terrence. If you don't know his story so far, let me recap. (If you're familiar with Terrence's story so far, feel free to skip this paragraph. We won't tell him. Promise.) We met Terrence after connecting with a local homeowner on social media. Terrence had appeared in her yard in June of 2021 and decided to stay. While cute, he wasn't exactly an invited or polite guest. He had taken over the deck and patio, was scaring their small dog, and turned their yard into his own personal salad bar. They had attempted to shoo him off, but he just kept coming back. After contacting local law enforcement, animal shelters, and posting on social media about him, the homeowner was told she'd gained a goat…
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“Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow.” -Norman Vincent Peale

We're all about fences these days at HQ. And for good reason. A fence is more than just a fence for the sanctuary. It's a key to the future. A key that opens the door to more rescues, to more land for the animals we currently have, and to security and safety. I'll save the story of how we got to the property we have for another post. The back story version can be summed up by saying that we had the opportunity to purchase a property, sight unseen and across the country, that pays for itself (through passive rental income). The ability to start a farm sanctuary on a property where the biggest cost (mortgage) is negated was too big to pass up. However, the moral of that particular…
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Volume 1, Issue 1

Welcome to the Hullabaloo Farm Sanctuary Blog! Every Superhero (including our sanctuary residents) has an origin story, but so does Hullabaloo Farm Sanctuary itself. This blog will be where we share that ongoing story with all of you. Our social media pages are focused on the rescued animals we have on the farm, but this blog will offer more of a "behind the scenes" look at the day to day operations of the sanctuary and how we came to be. Hullabaloo Farm Sanctuary (HFS) was was created when a love of all things geeky (superheroes, comics, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, etc.) merged with a dedication and passion for farm animal welfare. I've been vegan or vegetarian for over a decade and have spent part of that time volunteering for Farm Animals Sanctuaries.…
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