Knowledge is the greatest and most important superpower we can possess. Without it, we can’t form educated opinions or make informed choices. The thing that makes knowledge so powerful is that it’s a never-ending ability, evolving and growing as we continue to use it. And you don’t have to be bitten by a radioactive spider or fall into a vat of mystery goo to gain it as a superpower either. Every single person on the planet has the ability to exercise this particular power.

At Hullabaloo Farm Sanctuary, we want everyone to find the superhero within themselves and we’re here to help you do just that. Being a superhero is about saving lives and giving hope. By flexing your knowledge superpowers, you have the ability to save the lives of countless farm animals and give them the hope to live free from pain, cruelty, and exploitation. We understand that gaining a superpower and learning to use it isn’t always easy, especially when it’s new and unfamiliar. Like any new change, it can be uncomfortable and overwhelming. It’s a journey of small steps, patience, and support, which we are here to provide. The first step is to open your mind to knowledge you didn’t have before and be willing to learn.

Below, you’ll find links to resources you can explore to expand your knowledge about (and how you can help defeat) the supervillain that is Factory Farming:

  • A powerful and constantly updating resource that was created to bring attention to the incredible number of animals currently suffering on factory farms.
  • ASPCA Advocate Resources & Consumer Resources Pages: Learn about how you can use your superpowers as a consumer and an advocate to end Factory Farming.
  • What is Factory Farming?: The Humane League’s webpage detailing what Factory Farming is and it’s negative impacts.
  • USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Surveys: Links to all of the USDA’s surveys, including the Livestock & Poultry Slaughter Surveys (direct data on how many land animals are slaughtered in the US each year for food consumption).
  • Compassion in World Farming: Another amazing and thorough resource on how you can use your superpowers to make compassionate food and shopping choices and help eliminate Factory Farming.
  • Guide to Going Vegan: WebMD’s guide for beginner vegans.
  • Factory Farming Awareness Coalition: Dedicated to empowering people top end Factory Farming, FFAC is a fantastic resource for information and advocacy.

If you have any questions about what you learn or want to find out more, please email us at or use the Contact Us page of this website to reach out. We can’t wait to talk to you and help you become a Superhero!